About us

INDIGO opened its first store in Melbourne in 1973, selling panelled denim flares and jackets. Hence the name. Throughout the 70's many treasure-hunting trips were made to Afghanistan, India & Nepal. Tribal wedding dresses embellished with coins and bones sat alongside the jeans on the shop shelves. By the end of the 70's, with the hippy feeling fading, a more European look evolved. Stripey knits and baby doll dresses became synonymous with INDIGO in the 80's and 90's.
Currently, with their Flagship store at shop #4/234 Collins Street, Melbourne, a flourishing on-line presence, INDIGO continues to dance to its own song. A desire to use natural fibres and a love of colour under-pin the aesthetic as we continue to flirt with timeless shapes.
INDIGO is a little bit fashion, a little bit sweet, a little bit sexy – just like the girls who wear it.